Monday, March 8, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

I write out my calendar for a month at a time. I'll make little changes as we go, if we have meals with friends, don't have leftovers, run out of something, etc. But sometimes I hit the wall. A day comes and I just don't feel like making what's on my calendar. I'm so used to following it, that I have a hard time coming up with something else. Today was supposed to be chili, but it's been in the 50's all weekend and I just don't want chili tonight. I need something in my crockpot or quick because we have a late afternoon commitment on Mondays. So, I have no idea what I'll be making tonight- probably just the chili that's on my calendar! What do you do when you don't feel like eating what's on your schedule?

The plan for this week:
Monday- Chili???
Tuesday- Date Night! Quesadillas for the kids
Wedensday- Venison Steaks, potoates, Veggies
Thursday- Red Beans and Rice
Friday- Pizza
Saturday- Sausage and Potatoes
Sunday- Eat What You Want Night

Check out other menus at Menu Plan Monday.


  1. I often re-arrange my menu within a week when I am not in the mood for something...or if I realize I don't have something I need for a recipe. Sometimes in a pinch I will look in the freezer and pantry for a totally different meal...but I am not very good at doing that kind of last minute switch up either.

    In reading the "Year of Slow Cooking" ( I realized that A LOT of things can be put in the crock pot that aren't typically made in there, and I have often gone there when I needed a crock pot recipe or wanted to try and figure out how to modify one of my recipes to make it in the crock pot.

  2. My comment from last night didn't post, weird. I ended up making grilled chicken, which was on our menu a few days ago and got switched out with a delivered pizza and some leftover pasta :) Thanks for reminding me about that Slow Cooking website. I've looked at it before, but still forget about it. I bookmarked it last night, so I'll have it handy for meal planning and last minute switches alike.
