Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Get It Out

It's so easy to get stuff here in America. Everywhere we go, people are selling or giving things away. And, of course, we need it ALL. So our homes become filled with stuff, that we never use, don't need, and create clutter. All we really need to do is get rid of it. Then commit ourselves to not bringing any more in.

We spent two weeks in Asia this summer. The most spacious apartments there would fit into two rooms of my house. That is the case in the majority of the world. Could you get rid of half the things in your house? Look around you, what's been sitting on the shelf or in the back of the closet for months or years? What do you have boxed up "just in case?" Get it out!

When you clean up the clutter, you could have a garage sale and earn a few bucks. Or you could give it away. I have discovered that the more I give away (to friends or shelters), the more I get in return. We have four kids and they are clothed almost entirely by hand-me-downs from other people. My counter is overflowing with fresh produce from the gardens of two or three others. And if you're still not convinced, I once heard it said that keeping all that stuff (hoarding) is not trusting in God's provision for your future.

So, we give it away. Baby clothes, maternity clothes, books, toys. Whatever we're not using can go right out the door. If you need help getting started, here's a list of my favorite websites to motivate me to clear out the clutter.

SHE - don't get sidetracked, get organized
FlyLady - simple steps to starting the process of cleaning up the clutter
Organizing Junkie - great tips and tricks for home organization
Titus 2 - home/school management, and a chore book for your kids, too!
Organized Lifestyles - just found this one, but it looks like a keeper

What's your favorite tip or tool for clearing out the clutter? How do you convince yourself you really don't need to hang on to particular items any more? Who do pass it on to?


  1. Lynnette, My sister introduced me to her FAVORITE author, Don Aslett. He is the king of de-junking/de-cluttering your life. After reading his books I always get so inspired. Thanks for this post; I think we all could use this reminder to simplify.

  2. I've never read any of his books. I'll have to go check them out!

  3. I am all about the "fling boogie!" I have been known to fling things we really needed to keep - especially old files. I'm learning!

  4. I second the Don Aslett recommendation. Love his book "Lose 200 lbs this weekend" (Or something like that).

    The hardest part of dejunking for me is finding someone who wants my stuff. I'm happy to part with it to someone that I know will use it, but not so much to just "the mission", or whatever. Kids clothes anyone?
